Tracer was assigned to test the Slipstream prototype. During the first flight, the teleportation matrix malfunctioned and Overwatch never saw her again. They declared her dead, when in truth, she had actually become the werewolves brood mother. (EvilToastedMW)

Tracer was assigned to test the Slipstream prototype. During the first flight, the teleportation matrix malfunctioned and Overwatch never saw her again. They declared her dead, when in truth, she had actually become the werewolves brood mother. (EvilToastedMW)

Tracer was assigned to test the Slipstream prototype. During the first flight, the teleportation matrix malfunctioned and Overwatch never saw her again. They declared her dead, when in truth, she had actually become the werewolves brood mother. (EvilToastedMW)
byu/beastmirror inHentaiBeast

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